Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chinese New Year

CNY Celebrations ala Sabah
By AV Latinggam

Chinese New Year celebrations in North Borneo may be a little odd to some, but to us here its very much part of the culture. This is because the Chinese have been here in this part of the world for a long time and we have celebrated this event with them for as long.
We, the Dusunic-Murutic tribe here are also believed to be descended from China, notably from Alishan Taiwan. We have almost the same costume, and cultural norms. http://www.dmtip.gov.tw
Anyway, even if we don't actually come from that neck of the woods, we do enjoy the occasion like anybody else. As I write I can hear the cymbals in the distance.
HEL who happened to celebrate the occasion in Sydney (Yes, Australia...) says it  rained during the first day of CNY there...his parade got rained on so to say.
But here, the sparklers were everywhere, the Lions danced, the unicorn pranced and the Dragon soared! This year starting from February 10, 2013 is the year of the Snake and will end on January 30, 2014.
Meanwhile,  the Lantern festival will end the Chinese New Year season. Cities with Chinese celebrants will usually have spectacular lantern displays. Favourite food during Chap Goh Meh or the 15 days after the first day of CNY, are sticky rice dumplings with sweet or savory fillings.

A Snowy Lion eating Mandarin Oranges

The Dragon soars at the Sabah Oriental Hotel

A golden lion contemplating at the altar 

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